"A Culture of Caring from Pre-hire to Retire"

Air or Sea Shipping and Storage – Itemized those goods which your family will need immediately upon arrival and made arrangements for air shipping of this material. Determine which materials you will need or want during your overseas assignment and made arrangements for the ocean shipping of those and the storage of the balance of your goods. Label all materials clearly for this separate handling before the movers arrives.

Area Familiarization – Be certain you and your family are familiar with the resources you will need in your new home (such as childcare, elder care, transportation, religious institutions, healthcare, dining, entertainment and recreation facilities). Area Familiarization Tour Service Request Form

Automobile insurance and Drivers Licenses – check with your insurance agent to see if new policies are required. Contact the destination country Consulate to see if new licenses be required.

Bank Accounts – Establish new local accounts in the destination country

Cancelling/Changing Services – Make arrangements to cancel or suspend current services (such as mail, doctors, utilities, subscriptions, prescriptions, cell phone service, music lessons). Establish new services in your destination country.

Cell phone, laptops and portable electronic devices – confirm they will function or procure require adapters as needed.

Cultural Orientation – researched the local cultural mores to insure a comfortable and hospitable stay in the destination country. Links to NYU Global Location Resources.

Currency – have adequate funds available in the destination currency for your immediate and foreseeable needs.

Debt – resolve any outstanding debt before departure.

Family Meeting – discuss the benefits of the overseas opportunity and address any particular needs or concerns for individual family members. Review cultural awareness websites together.

Health Care and Life Insurance – contact your brokers to determine if new policies or riders are required to insure the extension. Paperwork – have you contacted the destination Consulate for a list of all paperwork you and your family will need to avoid any delays upon arrival of the family and your shipped goods. Do you have copies of all important documents (such as passports, medical records, birth certificates, marriage licenses, family photos)?

Pets – have you checked on local regulations about bringing the family pet along; made arrangements for transportation and any required quarantine?

Property Management – have you made arrangements for the sale, sublet or lease breaking of your current residence or established a property management agreement while you’re overseas.

Restricted materials – be certain to check with the destination Consulate with regards to any specific restrictions on materials that may be imported. For example in the UAE many books and journals that would be considered everyday reading materials stateside, are considered pornography.

Taxes – do any particular items create a heavy import tax burden

Temporary Housing – Have you made arrangements for temporary living quarters while your household goods are en-route and in the event of a customs clearing delay?

Schooling – have you researched and weighed the benefits of the local curriculum versus an International school and made a selection.

Language/Translation – have you accessed how important learning the local language will be to you and your family’s day to day lives; taken steps to learn the language and or have digital interpretation devices available.

Vaccinations – are they all in order as required by the destination country.

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